Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Drawinjgs for the Jam

Hello, I'll be putting up some drawings I had placed on my instructors Drawing Jam blog for college. Here they are.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hello Hello! ^-^ Once the elementals are all completed, I've come up with a new project for me, a series of moth and butterfly themed fairies and such. I'll only do moths and butterflies I find most beautiful or interesting, so amung them will be the Death Head moth, the Luna moth, Blue Morpho butterfly and Oleander Hawk moth. Other possibilities will be the Emperor butterfly, the Peacock butterfly, the 'Indian' Moon moth, and Crecropia moth.

This was inspired after I watched silence of the lambs last night and felt the urge to make characters based on different moths and butterflies. Hope people will like them, they'll also go on my DA account.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I've started a series of element drawings, for which I'm either using a pre-existing term or making one up if I can't find one.(eg. terrakinetic, hydrokinetic are some of the terms)So I'll post the finished/WIP's/line arts and sketches here and update them as I go until they're all complete. at this point in time I'm nearly completed the third one which is a Terrakinetic, or earth manipulator. I plan to name all of the characters too, but at the moment they are nameless.








