Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More Backgrounds

Hello, New Backgrounds from my Background painting class, which unfortunately has ended, now into the third term, but it was a blast. My Favorite that I made? The Jungle Layout.

This Jungle layout was the last we did, as well as different from the others. For this background, we had to separate the foreground from the mid ground and the background, so we painted the foreground separate, then cut it out with an exacto knife, sandwiched the foreground between two pieces of acetate cell sheets, and slapped it on the mid ground/background portion. I really liked it, though I lost all feeling in the first digit of my right index finger for a few days from pressing on the exacto knife for a few hours straight. Enjoy.

Egyptian Background

Also, My Very First background Painting we did for that class, which was a background we had to recreate from the industry, Mine is a Disney background from Tinkerbell, done in Analogous Color Scheme.

Lots of Life Drawing!!

Thought I should update my blog with some life drawings of late, been feeling good about most of my drawings, I think I'm finally out of my drawing block I was having for a few weeks.
Here's some Short 15-25 second poses.

And here's some 2 minute poses.

Here are some Tonal studies of the hands and legs.

And here's some Frabic Study drawings, 15 and 20 minute poses. The Tonal study was optional for this assignment.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Here's my sum up of my character turn around for the semester. Top to bottom is the first to last revision.